Monday, January 10, 2011


LENOVO has responeded to a common complaint avout tablets that they are inadequate for people who want to ctreate content,rathere than consume it by making one that transorms into a laptop.The ideapad U1 Hybrid is a laptop with a removable touchscreen When the computer is in laptop mode it fucntions as a windows computer, albeit one that the user can also control throough a touchscreen .But the screen aslo pops out, and it functions as a tablet that runs Lenovo's own customised version of Android.
The hydbrid model allows a tablet user access to a full keyboard,but also to the processing power of a laptop.The laptop also serves as a sort of external hard drive for the tablet .While the tablets comes with choice of a 32 or 64 gigabytes.A key short coming is that there is no way to access that content without actually plugging the tablet into it.The maximum speed is 320 gigabyte

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